Monday 31 January 2011

Can Flight With Simulator Really Teach Me to Fly?

A flight simulator is more than capable of letting you experience everything about flying. The flight simulator instruments allow you to understand everything required when up in the sky. It will also teach you the best control manipulation.

The flight simulator will teach you how to fly various planes stored on the software. You can truly enjoy the whole experience with the flight simulator controls.

To get the best flying experience you should get the best simulator software. The software should offer many different types of planes and allow you to do your own moves. You will also want a flight simulator that gives the ultimate flying experience and enjoyment.

Your flight simulator cockpit may be small and cramped. Or your cockpit may be large in comparison. Depending on the type of plane you may be flying. Your cockpit may have few navigation instruments. Or it may have lots of complicated navigation instruments that give total confusion until you get knowledge.

Your simulator should offer you airports identical to real life situations. It should teach you to take off and land in all types of weather conditions. Including take off and landing during day and night.

Your plane should be able to take off from an airport in America in rain or fog. You should be able to fly over the Atlantic ocean in terrible weather conditions. Feel your plane being buffeted with strong wind. Experience real flying in bad weather that causes anxiety.

When you hold the joystick you should feel your plane sway from side to side as you try to fly through bad weather. Feel a tingle in your stomach when your plane suddenly dips. You grip the joystick harder as you try to keep control.

You begin to land at some UK airport and it is clouded with fog. The guide line you follow appears to be the center of the runway. Your plane is being buffeted with high winds and you grip the joystick firmly. You try to hold the plane on a straight course as you approach the runway. Then suddenly you get a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. You have noticed too late that your guide line is the edge of the runway!

Your flight simulator must have high quality graphics to ensure you get ultimate flying realism. And, ensure you also get the best sound effects with your plane flight simulation.

Robert McMurtrie operates
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Sunday 30 January 2011

Choosing a Good Flight Plane Simulator - 3 Helpful Tips

When choosing a good flight plane simulator to purchase, there are a few things that you should be aware of before making a decision to spend your hard earned money. As you know there are many flight sims that you can get from the internet and they each have their own special features. So lets talk about the three most important things that you should know when buying one of these fun games to play.

First off you need to know if the software will play correctly on your computer. Make sure you have the right specs and enough RAM so it will run. A good video card is a strong plus. There is nothing worse than downloading your new software and getting all excited to play your flight simulator and it will not work. Microsoft's Flight Simulator is a good example of this. If your pc is an older one, you are going to have a hard time playing your new flight sim.
For me I wanted a sim that would be easy to use without having to use a joystick all of the time. I like to use my mouse and keyboard to control my aircraft. I know this might be a bit odd, but I do like to have this option. Many of the simulators are so confusing with all of the different keyboard functions that it will take you hours to remember all of them. Don't get me wrong, I do like to use a joystick but I just like the option of not using one when I do not have to.
Thirdly, I want a flight plane simulator to have many different planes to fly. I also like different scenarios to fly in such a weather conditions. Also a scenario I do enjoy is landing on an aircraft carrier, so if i'm looking for a flight sim I will always look for this option.

After looking at all of the different flight plane simulators I came across one that had everything I was looking for. It had many different types of planes to fly and land. You could pick any airport from around the world and land there too.

It even had the option to play online with other players from around the world. You could even fly in formation with these other people, how crazy is that. When flying your plane it is very life like and you feel like you are really in the cockpit. The scenery is fantastic and I can't say enough about this amazing software.

I have written a full review about this flight simulator and you can get all the information about it at: Flight Plane Simulator

Air Plane Simulator As a Learning Tool

Learning how to be a pilot is no easy task that much is certain. It requires someone who is very adept at what they do, who is highly technically minded and is good with numbers, with strong aptitude for processing information quickly as well as being able to cope with pressure and act accordingly. Whenever you are a pilot, you are responsible for not only your own safety but that of your passengers as well and so the stakes are high when it comes to flying a plane.

There has been a significant increase in the number of the so called flight simulators and these are software programs that are designed to help assist the user adjust to the pressures of flying an airplane as well as become more intimate with the layout of the aircraft.

All of the various logistical details associated with successfully flying an airplane such as the correct manner in which to accelerate the plane, enable it builds up enough speed to take to the air are all covered in painstaking detail. No doubt there will be some naysayers who will want to contest the usefulness of such programs; after all, all they will ever provide the user is a facsimile of the process as opposed to the genuine thing.

Whilst this is true, it should also be noted that a doctor will never perform surgery on a live person first; instead they will have to study anatomy textbooks and will most likely perform autopsies on cadavers and frogs before moving onto the "real" thing. That does not limit their skills, or in any way diminish the training process and do you know why dear reader? Because the basic principles and methods of execution remain the same and consistent whether it is in training or in the main event.

A free download flight simulator program is an excellent way for the aspiring pilot to get to grips with the challenges they will face and will provide them with that most precious resource of all when it comes to learning: experience and confidence. The free download flight simulator will be an excellent choice to the rank novice pilot because why spend a lot of your hard earned money on a program that will be too advanced for your requirements when you can simply use a free version to ease yourself into the process?

Rest assured, I have tested out nearly every Flight Sim on the market today, and I have found one which I can personally recommend.

Stop wasting your money and time on disappointing flight simulators.

I have put them all through the test and after hundreds of hours flying I have finally found a winner and I can guarantee it will be the closest you will get to a Real Life Flying experience without actually leaving your house.

George Cayley
Independent Reviewer

Saturday 29 January 2011

Choosing The Best RC Flight Simulators For You

If you want to learn how to fly a remote controlled plane without the expense of crashing it, then you are probably better off buying or downloading RC flight simulators. These allow you the vital freedom to make mistakes, while at the same time learn the importance of basic controls.

Ideally, you should be able to get a demo of any flight simulator, whether online or in a game magazine. This gives you the chance to get a feel for the simulator and see whether or not it is comfortable or feels suitably realistic. There are a number of review sites available that can give you pointers as to what suits your own individual needs.

If you want to learn how to fly or control a remote control plane, then the best simulators are the ones that recreate the experience as accurately as possible, both in terms of control and likely real world scenarios. While it can be expensive to repair an RC plane in real life with a simulator you can keep coming back and improving your skills.

Some can help you adjust real world physics, so you can tailor the remote controlled plane to one that you have recently purchased to get an idea of how it would fly in real life. Some also have downloadable landscapes, giving you an idea of what it would be like to fly a plane in certain environments.

Flight simulators will often work well with a conventional game pad or keyboard. If you are purchasing for the PC it is probably best to get a pad with stick control similar to modern games consoles, as this is the most similar control to how you would pilot a remote controlled plane or helicopter. Look online for demonstration videos and reviews of RC flight simulators.

Hi, I have some RC plane simulator games. These games are generally top quality a long time and most offer naturalistic scenery. For more information, please visit my website.

Friday 28 January 2011

Learn How to Fly A Plane With Flight Simulator Games

Playing computer games should be fun, exciting and educational.

Because the internet have given us every opportunity to realize our dreams, it is now possible for one to learn how to fly and experience the excitement of flying a plane in your own computers. Flight simulators have been created to those who loves to fly. It is expensive to fly real planes but with these flight simulators, it is affordable making your dream of flying a reality.

With airplane flight simulator, one has the opportunity to fly a plane realistically. Able to see places thousand miles away using these interactive games. These Interactive games allow players to learn how to fly realistically and be able to see new places as these game allows you to control where you want to fly and also gives you the chance to fly the plane of your choice.

This game have been used to teach pilots learn how to fly planes and aircraft before flying real planes. They learn how to take off and land safely a plane safely.

So if you want to be a pilot, or just want to experience how to fly a plane, this interactive game can be a good start. This game is more than just a game. Players are able to learn and experience flying an airplane realistically. The player feels he/she is in the cockpit flying the plane. Taking off and landing in the airport. This game have made it as close as real life as possible and that makes you feel that you're flying the plane.

A good interactive game should feature a highly detailed time of day modeling. It is able to track the current computer clock time and correctly place the stars, sun and moon, etc. in their current and proper place relative to the earth. If it's dawn in the place you are in right now, it also is dawn in the sim when you locate yourself in the virtual place you want to go.

There are a lots of features that makes the flying really realistic making you feel the excitement and fun of flying.So, to all flight simulator enthusiasts and to those who find flying a plane fun and exciting, this flight simulator is what you are looking for.

Experience flying a plane in the comfort of you own living room. Pro flight simulator have been created for flight simulator enthusiast to experience piloting a plane realistically. It was created to mimic the real time and day to the place you are in. This is amazing, most flight simulator enthusiast love it. Try it now and see for yourself the difference, feel the excitement and fun flying your favorite plane.

Pro Flight Simulators

Plane Simulator Games - Are They Worth It?

Do you have a love for flying? If you do then you most likely have either thought about of have bought a plane simulator game. The question is, are the plane simulator games really worth buying? Well the answer to that is really simple. If you really have a love for flying and the game is of good quality then the answer is yes. Simulator games are well worth it.

For most of us, the idea of actually getting into a plane to learn to fly is out of the question due to the simple fact that money is tight. A plane simulator game is the best way to get to learn how to fly and to enjoy it to its fullest extent. It allows you to get into the cock pit of just about any plane and see what you can do. By using this type of flying technique, you free yourself from the actual dangers of flying while you get all the enjoyment of what is like to really fly.

Just imagine yourself sitting in the cockpit of a 747. It is raining outside and you are across the world and it is nighttime. As you fly into the airport you can see the lights of the cars on the nearby interstate. As you fly closer to the ground you can see the heat lightening coming up from the ground while you put down your landing gear to land at your destination airport. This is something you can do without even having to leave the comfort of your own home. This is something that most pilots can never enjoy. Sure they get to do the actual flying but you get to do it all from home.

FlightProSim is one of the best plane simulator games that you can get. It has all of the real-time maps to allow you to fly to all of your favorite spots and even find some new ones. The game runs with Google Maps so you literally can see the actual places you are flying to such as flying overhead of your own home or going past your dream vacation spot.

When you log on to FlightProSim, you can choose your aircraft, the airport you are flying out from as well as the time of day and what the weather is like. The game is set up to be in touch with the real-time world so that if you are in Sydney in the early hours of the morning, the game simulates the early daylight settings just as if you were really there. You will also see that the night sky matches as well with the moon and stars above.

So when someone asks you if you really think plane simulator games are really worth buying you can tell them absolutely. This is the best way to learn how to fly and to see the world without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home.

I am a hobbyist writer about simulation games. I play them first before writing anything about them. For more, make sure to check out my plane simulator site.

Thursday 27 January 2011

What Is So Great About the Plane Simulation Games?

Many people start playing plane simulation games as a hobby and slowly get addicted. This is because they are really fun and fully filled with adventure. You can get the real experience without even having to step out of the comfort of your home. This is the reason why plane simulation games are really addictive. Apart from the addiction, you can learn a lot about flying the plane. The degree of realism in these games is too good that most of the time you won't even feel that you are at home in front of your computer. Instead you'll feel as if you're flying the flight.

If you look at the features of these plane simulation games, you'll be amazed. The graphics of the world showed in the game are quite real. It is designed in such a way that the player feels as if he's in the real world instead of the virtual world. If you want to see Rocky Mountains outside the flight you can see them. If you want to see something else then you can definitely change the option. The controls of the aircraft are designed in quite an accurate way. And when it comes to the air craft styles, they mimic and simulate the original flying styles of a real world airplane.

Apart from all these things, even the seasons are programmed depending upon the real seasons of the real world. So to put it in a nutshell, the plane simulation games are a virtual wonder and this is the reason why many people really love to play them.

If you're a hard-core gamer, then these games are just for you. Apart from being a gamer, there are many other purposes for simulation games. Are you wondering what exactly they are? Fine, I shall explain that. Most of the time many of the aircraft academies use these games in order to teach most of that aspiring students about how it feels when a person flies the flight. This way these games are not just for fun but they are also functional. This is the reason why there is always demand for such games. This is only because of the level of realism that is shown in these games. The human mind really gets captivated by the range of realism shown in these games. All the five senses completely go into an illusion because of the realism that is shown in the game on the monitor. You feel as if you are controlling a real plane if you are actually playing these flight simulation games. This is the reason why they have become so popular all over the world and people started getting addicted to them.

Though it takes some time to grab the hang of the game, it is still worth it because you really love the whole experience of flying a virtual plane. You can fool your senses with the graphics of the game. You'll have some accessories like joystick or keyboard in order to control the flight in the air. So if you're really interested about these games, you can completely gather details about them on the Internet.

Fligh pro sim is one of the best plane simulation game in the market. Now, you can visit to find out more about this flight game.