Friday, 28 January 2011

Plane Simulator Games - Are They Worth It?

Do you have a love for flying? If you do then you most likely have either thought about of have bought a plane simulator game. The question is, are the plane simulator games really worth buying? Well the answer to that is really simple. If you really have a love for flying and the game is of good quality then the answer is yes. Simulator games are well worth it.

For most of us, the idea of actually getting into a plane to learn to fly is out of the question due to the simple fact that money is tight. A plane simulator game is the best way to get to learn how to fly and to enjoy it to its fullest extent. It allows you to get into the cock pit of just about any plane and see what you can do. By using this type of flying technique, you free yourself from the actual dangers of flying while you get all the enjoyment of what is like to really fly.

Just imagine yourself sitting in the cockpit of a 747. It is raining outside and you are across the world and it is nighttime. As you fly into the airport you can see the lights of the cars on the nearby interstate. As you fly closer to the ground you can see the heat lightening coming up from the ground while you put down your landing gear to land at your destination airport. This is something you can do without even having to leave the comfort of your own home. This is something that most pilots can never enjoy. Sure they get to do the actual flying but you get to do it all from home.

FlightProSim is one of the best plane simulator games that you can get. It has all of the real-time maps to allow you to fly to all of your favorite spots and even find some new ones. The game runs with Google Maps so you literally can see the actual places you are flying to such as flying overhead of your own home or going past your dream vacation spot.

When you log on to FlightProSim, you can choose your aircraft, the airport you are flying out from as well as the time of day and what the weather is like. The game is set up to be in touch with the real-time world so that if you are in Sydney in the early hours of the morning, the game simulates the early daylight settings just as if you were really there. You will also see that the night sky matches as well with the moon and stars above.

So when someone asks you if you really think plane simulator games are really worth buying you can tell them absolutely. This is the best way to learn how to fly and to see the world without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home.

I am a hobbyist writer about simulation games. I play them first before writing anything about them. For more, make sure to check out my plane simulator site.

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